Stories that invite rereading, relistening or rewatching to notice new details are something I love. It’s a quality I always try to embed in my work, and it was something Nick and I played with in the Groundhog Cray and Time Tripping episodes of Roommate From Hell.
“A Story We Tell Ourselves” was developed with this philosophy in mind. There are a few tells Anna and I planted in certain panels that hint at the larger game—some are conceptual, others are pretty explicit.
I’ve been making an effort to ask folks what they thought of the comic this time around, since it’s somewhat experimental and because I’m curious, but I’m also wondering if anyone noticed the tells.
Here’s an easy one, for example:
In the final panel on page 30 we see the photos that Anne has accidentally left behind. If you take a good (zoomed in) look at the photo all the way on the right, you’ll notice that it’s the photo Anne is taking of Ren at the laundromat from page 9, panel 4!
A few other tricks were pulled—did you notice them?
If you want to play along, I published the whole story in a single post so you can read it in one long scroll.
Click the red, candy-like button to do that.
If you want to own a digital copy of the book, I’ve uploaded it to Gumroad for $2 or whatever you think is fun.
Use button to check that out.
Thank you all. Enjoy the re-read and stay in touch!
I love the name of the laundromat!